What is the SFO and what will they do?


The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is a small, highly specialised government department responsible for complex or serious fraud investigations and prosecutions. This doesn’t include more common dishonesty offences, which are a Police matter.

Priority cases for the SFO include:

  • Multi-victim investment fraud
  • Fraud involving those in important positions of trust (e.g. lawyers)
  • Matters of bribery and corruption
  • Any other case that could significantly damage New Zealand’s reputation for fair and free  financial markets minus corruption.

The type of investigations already undertaken by the SFO include Ponzi schemes.

The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) confirmed on the 19th November 2012 that it had commenced a formal investigation into David Ross, Ross Asset Management Limited (In Receivership) and associated entities.